Sipping rum with a liqueur - Choice #2 Goldschlager

Posted by Rich on 9:51:00 AM with No comments
Although some may snort in derision at the abhorrent nature of anyone that would believe drinking anything containing pure gold flakes makes appear superior, my intentions with Goldschlager are simply for its cinnamon goodness...and boy does this deliver.
Adding a dash of this liqueur to your sipping rum has two effects; 1) Cinnamon goodness (of course) and 2) real gold flakes adorning your already exquisite glass of sipping rum.

I recommend adding this to rums that are not excessively spicy or have a somewhat monotone palate.
My choices here are : Pyrat, Siegerts 190, Ron Abuela, Chai Rum.

Have a try and let me know what you think in the comments section or make a recommendation for a unique pairing with Goldschlager !